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Why is knowing about sugar important?

Understanding the danger of high sugar is important when you are contemplating starting a Keto diet. It’s important to understand what having high amounts of sugar can do to your body – and not just what it does to the numbers on the scale! And when we talk about high sugar we are also meaning high insulin. We’ll cover just some of the ways why knowing about the effects of sugar is important. 

How does sugar effect you?

The first cells that are affected are your eyes. You know, those beautiful orbs that allow us to see the world and also our loved ones! The tissue of your eyes, the lens, first become cloudy which can lead to cataracts. Next is the retina. And your retina is basically an extension of your brain. The inside of the back of your eye is retinal tissue and neurological tissue. It’s also photosensitive which means it’s receptive to the pictures that come into it which is information that is then taken through the optic nerve into the brain. And to feed those nerves you have tiny little blood vessels and these are what get damaged. That happens because the blood gets sticky, which can lead to clogging and poor circulation. Even more  there’s a smaller section within your retina where things are focused called the macula. And this damage can lead to macular degeneration.

And we haven’t even gotten into what happens to the rest of your body! Your heart, your vascular system, inflammation. And not only that your BRAIN SHRINKS! It gets atrophied which in turn affects everything from memory to the nerves in the bottom of your feet. Who knew that sugar could be so destructive?

What is Insulin?

Insulin is a naturally occurring hormone that is used in your body to regulate blood sugar levels and to store excess glucose for energy. The carbohydrates you eat break down into glucose which then enter your bloodstream. Your pancreas responds by producing insulin. After you eat (which is when insulin levels are high) excess glucose is stored in your liver in a form called glycogen. This is important to keep your brain fed. But here’s the deal – if you have a problem with insulin the excess sugar gets converted to fat and it also prevents the fat burning process. So in this case, you won’t be able to burn fat which means you won’t be able to lose weight. 

One key benefit of eating a Keto diet is the change that can come from controlling your sugar levels. So when you’re contemplating eating Keto, remember – it’s not just about the scale. It’s also about healing your body and allowing it to heal and perform at it’s very best.